Friday, July 27, 2012

MEG: Hell's Aquarium

MEG: Hell's Aquarium, Steve Alten, 2009, Variance. Genre: SciFi. 342 pages. Finished 7/22/2012.

LesOpinion: When the reviewer from the Washington Daily News refers to MEG: Hell's Aquarium as "an instant classic," I suspect he does not mean "an instant classic of contemporary fiction," but rather "an instant classic of contemporary science fiction about giant prehistoric sharks." Because, while this is science fiction about giant prehistoric sharks, it's not classic, instant or otherwise.

It doesn't help that this is the fourth book in a series about giant prehistoric sharks, and by now the author has apparently tired of getting the reader to care about the main characters. Or maybe I identified more with the animal rights activists than the pseudoscientist heroes dedicated to hunting down and wrangling prehistoric creatures from the depths of the ocean (where the creatures have been biding their time without human interaction for millions of years) only to torment them in captivity and then get all surprised and appalled when they kill someone.

Circumstances under which I recommend this book: You idiotically decide to read all the books on the fiction shelves of your local library, and this one is next.

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